Tailored Alternative Investments Solutions
About Us
Your Gateway to the Alternative Investments Space
StarX Capital specializes in sourcing, analyzing, conducting due diligence, investing and monitoring of Alternative Investments around the globe.
We have been serving satisfied accredited, institutional and sovereign clients for more than a decade and bring more than 15 years of experience across direct and indirect investments in excess of $8+ Bn.
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Tailored Portfolio
Our flagship service includes tailoring a diversified alternative investments portfolio based on our clients' needs and risk appetite.
No Stone Unturned
Our DNA is constructed around un-compromising, tier-1 due diligence, investment and risk analyses. Each investment is assessed by our team based on the most strict parameters, and is chosen diligently only after thorough due diligence and analysis.
We Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Is
We have been investing in the space from our own pocket for more than a decade across all asset classes, including Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Infrastructure, Real-Estate, Private-Debt, Structured-Products, Crypto-Currency and more.
Full Transparency & High-End Service
We make sure you are part of the investment-decision-process and equip you with all the necessary information to take the final decision using our insight and support.